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filipino lawyers of washington

Advocate * Grow * Unite * Celebrate

Seattle Domestic Workers Ordinance: What You Need to Know

  • Wednesday, May 12, 2021
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


Registration is closed

In 2018, Seattle City Council passed an ordinance granting domestic workers—such as house cleaners, nannies, gardeners, and home care workers—basic worker rights from which they have long been excluded.

Seattle’s ordinance is in the forefront of a similar labor laws that have passed in a growing number of states and cities over the past decade and that are helping bring domestic workers out of the shadows and providing them with basic rights and dignity and a career. There are an estimated 33,000 domestic workers in Seattle and 2 million across the U.S. and domestic work is one of the fastest growing professions in the country. Yet many Seattle employers of domestic workers are unaware that they are covered by the ordinance and that their homes are a workplace. Domestic workers are disproportionately women, immigrants, and BIPOC and may face cultural, language and other barriers to knowing and enforcing their rights. Legal professionals can assist both workers and employers with awareness of their rights and obligations under the Seattle ordinance.

This program will address the following topics:

  • The history of the exclusion of domestic workers from labor laws
  • The worker led-campaign for the Seattle Domestic Worker Ordinance
  • Overview and significance of Seattle’s Domestic Worker Ordinance
  • Enforcement issues and challenges
  • Best practices and resources for creating a safe and fair domestic worker workplace (generally and during Covid-19)
  • Your questions and how you can get involved

Submit questions in advance here.

We will apply for CLE credit for this presentation.

Panelists include:

Dana Barnett
Seattle Organizer, Hand in Hand

Silvia Gonzalez
Women without Borders Lead Coordinator, Casa Latina

Andrew Kashyap
Senior Attorney, Legal Voice

John Laney
Partner, Stoel Rives LLP
Filipino Lawyers of Washington

Michelle Su
Associate, Lane Powell PC
Korean American Bar Association of Washington




A Zoom webinar link will be sent via confirmation email and again the morning of the event.



If you have any questions or need additional information, please email


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